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Laura K. Grubb, MD, MPH

Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Laura K. Grubb, MD, MPH, is a board-certified pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist. She cares for patients in an urban academic medical center and is active with national organizations focusing on child health, public health, and adolescent health care. In addition, she has been a volunteer with the Amigos de Las Americas organization since 1990—first as a community volunteer and now as a medical advisor.
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Two arms itching — amoxicillin rash
Drug Info

How to identify amoxicillin rash

This common antibiotic can cause skin reactions, but that doesn’t necessarily indicate an allergy
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Health Education

Yeast infections during pregnancy

Over-the-counter medications can help clear up this uncomfortable condition quickly
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What the color of your period means

From red to pink to brown, learn the meaning of the different colors
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Can you give babies and toddlers Benadryl?

If your baby has an allergic reaction, you may wonder if you can reach for the antihistamine
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Signs of anemia in pregnancy

Anemia during pregnancy is common but treatable. Here’s what you need to know.
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How to stop an itchy sunburn

Use these dermatologist-backed remedies and tips for fast relief
Birth control pills
Drug Info

Do antibiotics affect birth control?

Most antibiotics won’t reduce the efficacy of hormonal birth control, but these two kinds will
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What is Rh factor?

The Rhesus (Rh) factor is a protein on the surface of red blood cells
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Birth control pill brands 101

There are 3 main types of birth control pills—and among those, lots of options
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Health Education

When allergy meds don’t work

More than 19 million adults in the U.S. live with allergies. When standard treatments become ineffective, these tips can help.
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Health Education

Low BP during pregnancy

This condition is common for expectant moms but is easily treated with at-home remedies
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